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Asia-Pacific media reportage


産経ニュース:台北駐福岡経済文化弁事処長・陳銘俊の一筆両断 悔やまれるWHOの対応

연합뉴스:대만 백신 외교 '시동'…남미 유일 수교국 파라과이 지원

Voice of America Bahasa Indonesia:Wapres Taiwan Bertandang ke Honduras untuk Perkuat Hubungan


The Daily Tribune:Reliable ally


神戸新聞:希望都道府県に 酸素濃縮器提供 台湾から寄贈の千台


0913-0917 vision of a more inclusive and resilient UN system with Taiwan in it
Business Mirror:A vision of a more inclusive and resilient UN system with Taiwan in it
Manila Standard:A vision of a more inclusive and resilient UN system with Taiwan in it
Beritasatu.Com:Kekuatan Dunia yang Ramah, Taiwan Seharusnya Diterima PBB sebagai Mitra TETO: Taiwan Seharusnya Jadi Anggota PBB Kami Kekuatan Dunia Yang Ramah, PBB Seharusnya Menerima Mitra Baik Kami Kekuatan Dunia Yang Ramah, PBB Seharusnya Menerima Mitra Baik Minta Komunitas Internasional Dukung Partisipasi Taiwan di PBB Kekuatan Dunia yang Ramah
LINE TODAY:TETO Minta Komunitas Internasional Dukung Partisipasi Taiwan di PBB Adalah Kekuatan Dunia yang Ramah, PBB Seharusnya Menerima Mitra Baik yang Berharga Ini
RTI:Jelang Sidang Umum PBB, TETO Serukan Komunitas Internasional untuk Mendukung Partisipasi Taiwan
Media Indonesia:Taiwan adalah Kekuatan Dunia yang Ramah, PBB Seharusnya Menerima Mitra Baik yang Berharga Ini
Liputan6:Kepala TETO Minta Dukungan Indonesia untuk Partisipasi Taiwan di PBB Indonesia: China Tidak Pernah Memerintah Taiwan
RMOL:TETO Beberkan Alasan Kuat Mengapa PBB Harus Buka Pintu Bagi Kemitraan Taiwan Diminta Dukung Taiwan Jadi Anggota Penuh PBB Adalah Kekuatan Dunia yang Ramah, PBB Seharusnya Menerima Mitra Baik yang Berharga Ini
YAHOO BERITA:Kepala TETO Minta Dukungan Indonesia untuk Partisipasi Taiwan di PBB駐印尼代表陳忠投書:臺灣再次籲請印尼各界支持臺灣參與聯合國
News Agency (NEWS.MN):Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It

New Straits Times:Excluding Taiwan from UN role a moral, material loss to the world
The Japan Times:A U.N. system with Taiwan in it would be more resilient

0830-0903 a more resilient UN system with Taiwan in it
South China Morning Post:Taiwan rallies support for UN bid

The Daily Tribune:Reimagining more resilient UN with Taiwan in it
Business Mirror:Reimagining a more resilient UN system - with Taiwan in it
중앙일보:[기고] 대만을 품은 후 더욱 강해진 UN을 상상하며
Korea Times:More resilient UN system - with Taiwan in it again asks UN to stop denying them a chance to help fix COVID-19 woes Wu: Sekarang Saatnya PBB Terima Taiwan agar Bisa Bantu Dunia Tangani COVID-19
Metrotvnews:Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It
Media Indonesia:Menteri Wu Yakin PBB akan Lebih Tangguh Bersama Taiwan
RMOL:Terus Berikan Kontribusi, Tak Ada Alasan untuk Melarang Partisipasi Taiwan di PBB
Beritasatu.Com:Partisipasi Taiwan dalam Menghadapi Covid-19 Akan Membuat PBB Lebih Tangguh Wu: Seandainya Taiwan Berpartisipasi, PBB Jadi Lebih Tangguh

The Straits Times:New Covid-19 cases remain in single digits for third straight day in Taiwan

South China Morning Post:Taiwan to fire back in vaccine diplomacy


Kompas:Bantu Hadapi Covid-19, Taiwan Beri 200 Mesin Penghasil Oksigen untuk Indonesia


Boston Globe:Taiwan-An Indispensable Partner to Achieve Global Health Security

讀賣新聞:台湾のWHO参加 訴え 外交部長「問題解決に寄与」

South China Morning Post:Room temperature' vaccine on way

The Sydney Morning Herald:The world needs Taiwan's COVID experience - its exclusion by China creates a less healthy planet
The Age:The World needs Taiwan's COVID experience-its exclusion by China creates a less healthy planet
The Daily Tribune:Taiwan seeks WHO invite to summit
Philippine Daily Inquirer:Taiwan can help in fight against COVID-19[OPINION] A call for the WHO to include Taiwan in the 74th World Health Assembly are the world and Taiwan can helpТайваний эмч, эмнэлгийн мэргэжилтнүүд бол дэлхийн хүн зоны амь насыг сахин хамгаалагчид билээ
The Fiji Times:Taiwan model against COVID-19 – ‘No one is safe, until everyone is’
The Fiji Times:Taiwan can help
Business Mirror:We are the world and Taiwan can help
Arab News:Taiwan might hold the key to building back better in a post-pandemic world

Korea Times:Taiwan can help build a resilient and inclusive global health system
共同通信社:台湾「米中の軍拡競争、切りがない」 WHO参加で世界に貢献したい

중앙일보:[기고] 코로나19 극복을 위한 대만의 WHO 참여 지지를 호소합니다
조선일보:[단독] “대만의 국제기구 가입 지지” G7 공동성명에 포함될 듯

0503-0507 A Resilient and Inclusive Global Health System Together with Taiwan
Koran Jakarta:G7 Dukung Status Taiwan Sebagai Pengawas di Majelis WHO
Media Indonesia:Taiwan Minta Dukungan Indonesia untuk Berpartisipasi di WHO Dapat Bantu Membangun Sistem Kesehatan Global Yang Lebih Tangguh dan Inklusif
Sinar Harapan:Taiwan Dapat Membantu- Membangun Sistem Kesehatan Global yang Lebih Tangguh Mampu Bantu Sistem Kesehatan Global Lawan Covid-19 Minta Dukungan Indonesia Ikut Aktif Bangun Sistem Kesehatan Global
RMOL:Punya Pengalaman Sukses Tangani Pandemi, Taiwan Minta Dukungan Indonesia Di WHO Tangani Pandemi, Taiwan Minta Dukungan Indonesia agar Masuk WHO
YAHOO BERITA:Menkes Chen Shih-chung Minta Indonesia Dukung Penuh Partisipasi Taiwan di WHO
Seputar Indonesia:Sukses Perangi Virus Corona, Taiwan Minta Dukungan Indonesia Untuk Dilibatkan di WHO
LegalEra.ID:Indonesia Perlu Dukung Taiwan Masuk Komunitas WHO
LINE TODAY:Taiwan Mampu Bantu Sistem Kesehatan Global Lawan Covid-19 Catakan Rekor Tidak Ada Kasus Lokal Selama 253 Hari, Taiwan Dapat Membantu- Membangun Sistem Kesehatan Global yang Lebih Tangguh dan Inklusif
India TV:COVID-19: Taiwan delivers medical supplies to India
Hindustan Times:Taiwan, Uzbekistan send support for India's Covid-19 response
Republic World:COVID-19: Taiwan sends 150 oxygen concentrators, 500 oxygen cylinders to India
Zee News:India gets help from Taiwan, first batch of medical aid arrives Delhi
Mint:COVID-19: Taiwan delivers oxygen concentrators, cylinders to India
NDTV:France, Taiwan, Uzbekistan And Belgium Send Medical Supplies To India
the Hindu:India receives COVID-19 aid from Taiwan, places commercial orders with China
ANI News:Love from Taiwan' arrives in India amid record rise in COVID-19 cases
Latestly:Love from Taiwan' Arrives in India Amid Record Rise in COVID-19 Cases a resilient and inclusive global health system together—Taiwan can help a resilient and inclusive global health system together—Taiwan can help
UNTV:US gov't calls for Taiwan's inclusion at World Health Assembly
Liputan6:Menkes Chen Shih-chung Minta Indonesia Dukung Penuh Partisipasi Taiwan di WHO
Detik. Com:Menteri Chen Shih Chung: Dukung Komunitas Internasional Taiwan Masuk WHO
Tribunjatim:Taiwan Ingin Bagikan Pengalaman Sukses Kendalikan Covid-19, Pernah Perangi SARS pada 2003
Nusantara News:TETO Surabaya : Menteri Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Taiwan Berbagi Pengalaman Sukses Melawan Pandemi
DetikNews:Menteri Chen Shih Chung Dukung Komunitas Internasional Taiwan Masuk WHO
Business World:Building a resilient and inclusive global health system together—Taiwan can help
Business Mirror:Taiwan Can Help Build A Resilient And Inclusive Global Health System

South China Morning Post:Taiwan to send oxygen devices to New Delhi
People's Journal:Taiwan needed at WHO to fight COVID-19

0217-0220 Perlu Belajar dari Taiwan Turunkan Covid-19

產經新聞:台湾から旭川へ医療物資50万点 緊急支援の裏に日台交流秘話

鎌倉朝日: Taiwan can help, and is helping”

産経新聞: 新型コロナ対応 台湾の経験を世界に役立てたい 台北駐日経済文化代表処 謝長廷氏

NET IB NEWS: ポストコロナ時代の世界公衆衛生ネットワークに台湾の参加を
The Nation: The WHO needs Taiwan's proven expertise in the battle against Covid-19
Daily News: ไต้หวันสู้โควิด-19
朝日新聞: 米、WHO総会への台湾参加要求
South China Morning Post: World health body urged to invite Taiwan to key meeting on pandemic

Asia Today International: Post-COVID, Taiwan makes new plea for role in WHO
産経新聞: WHOへの台湾参加 日華懇が要望書提出

Island Times: Support Taiwan's inclusion in post-Covid-19 global public health network
The malaymail online: Support Taiwan's inclusion in post-Covid-19 global public health network
The Philippine Star: Taiwan and the global public health network Support Taiwan's inclusion in the post-COVID-19 global public health network
Joongang: [기고] 포스트 코로나, 글로벌 보건 네트워크에 대만이 빠질 수 없다 Support Taiwan's Inclusion in Global Public Health Network
The Irrawaddy: Taiwan's Inclusion in Post-COVID-19 Global Public Health Network Deserves Support
Journal online: DR. CHEN SHIH-CHUNG Minister of Health and Welfare Republic of China (Taiwan) - Support Taiwan's inclusion in post-COVID-19 global public health network
Manila Standard: Support Taiwan's inclusion in the post-COVID-19 global public health network
The Philippine Star: Taiwan and the global public health network

National Radio, Radio New Zealand: Taiwan's Pacific allies urge UN to allow participation

Malaya Business Insight: Sharing a sustainable future together: Embracing Taiwan

Philippine Daily Inquirer: Leave no one behind? Taiwan asks UN why it's still not welcome
Manila Standard: Sharing a sustainable future together: Embracing Taiwan

매일경제: 코로나 극복을 위한 국가간 협력
조선일보: ‘회복을 위한 아름다운 노력, 대만이 함께’
產經新聞: 台湾吳釗燮外交部長「台湾が国連参加なら世界により貢献」

每日新聞: 国連憲章75周年 台湾を取り残してはならない
Korea Times: Recover better together: Taiwan can help

Kanal Sembilan: Bersama Menjadi Lebih Baik Kembali – Taiwan Dapat Membantu
Tribunjatim: Bersama Menjadi Lebih Baik Kembali, Taiwan Dapat Membantu
The Sun: Recover better together, Taiwan can help

Hindustan Times: Why the international community and UN must embrace Taiwan - analysis
西日本新聞: 台湾の経済団体、福岡商議所にマスク贈呈 「恩返しの気持ち伝えたい」5000枚
産経新聞: 台北弁事処、恩返しマスク5千枚を寄贈 福岡
NET IB NEWS: 台湾の経済団体が福岡商工会議所に医療用マスクなどの支援物資を寄贈

NOW: Taiwan Can Help: Taiwan donates PPEs, surgical masks to support PH fight vs COVID-19

Tia Belau: More Covid-19 Donations from Taiwan
Island Times (Palau): Medical Equipment and Supplies Continue to Come from Taiwan
產經新聞: 隣人との大切な友好
鎌倉朝日: 台湾から鎌倉へ防疫物資 寄贈
Nauru Bulletin: Taiwan generosity continues, more PPE (page 11)

Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies: Delhi Must Help Taipei Get Into the WHO

Business Mirror: Taiwan's torrent of donations surges on
The Philippine Star: US willing to share COVID vaccine with allies
Manila Standard: Our next-gen pols?
Manila Bulletin: Taiwan donates more medical supplies to PH LIST: Countries giving aid to Philippines during coronavirus pandemic
神奈川新聞: マスク寄贈 台湾機関から一万枚
タウンニュース: 台湾製マスクを市に寄贈
產經新聞: 台湾、防護服5万着を日本に寄贈 4月のマスク200万枚に続き
每日新聞: 新型コロナ 自民外交部会「台湾も入境制限緩和を」
Business Insider: Taiwan govt donates masks to Mizoram for COVID-19 fight
Manila Standard: Taiwan donates PPE to support PH fight against COVID-19
News18: Taiwan Govt Donates Masks, RT-PCR Test Kits to Help Mizoram Fight Coronavirus

西日本新聞社: 台湾から福大病院へ感染防止物資を寄贈
産経新聞: 台湾弁事処が福岡大学病院に感染防止対策物資寄贈
山口新聞: 台湾から寄贈 布マスク届く
NET IB NEWS:  医療用ガウンなどの支援物資を福大病院に寄贈~福岡在住の台湾人企業経営者

The Print: China's animosity record towards India reflects wolf warrior diplomacy: Taiwan representative

Wedge: コロナで分かった中国より優れたパートナー台湾
Net Nihonkai: 感染防止に役立てて 県日台親善協会 4機関にマスク贈る
NHK: 台湾 マスクは“戦略物資” 来月から輸出再開へ
金沢市長山野之義の日記: 台湾政府からの支援物資の受け入れ
南海日日新聞: 台湾から医療用マスクや手袋 屏東県と文化弁事処、鹿児島県にも物流支援
The Straits Times: Covid-19's unlikely stars: Taiwan's sign language interpreters
每日新聞: 新型コロナ関連情報 台北弁事処が名古屋市交通局にマスク寄贈/愛知
わかやま新報: 和歌山市にマスク 台湾日本関係協会が寄贈
每日新聞: 台湾から鎌倉市にマスク一万枚

The Irrawaddy: Taiwan's Representative Vows to Help Myanmar Build Capacity to Fight COVID-19
Hong Kong Free Press: Taiwan's global participation should go beyond inclusion in the WHO
經濟新聞: 外交青書「台灣、極めて重要」 「新時代の成熟した関係構築」中国にも配慮
テレビ和歌山: 台湾から県立医大にマスク
Dan Tri: 158 chuyên gia Đài Loan tới Việt Nam sau thời gian "cách ly" vì Covid-19
NHK: 台湾 外交部長「新型コロナ対策の経験で国際貢献できる」
NHK: 台湾の保健当局 日米などの担当者に新型コロナの対策を紹介
世界日報: 新時代の台日関係をともに
毎日新聞: コロナ下のWHO総会 台湾参加が国際協調の道
日本経済新聞: 台湾のWHO参加 一貫して支持 外交青書に明記
大阪日日新聞: 台湾政府が府にマスク
讀賣新聞: マスク1万枚 台湾が贈る 九大病院に
產經新聞: 医療用マスク 福岡県に寄贈 台北駐福岡弁事処
產經新聞: 台湾「WHOは中国に屈服」
讀賣新聞: 台湾 九大病院にマスク

The Hindu: Taiwan's coronavirus protocol shows how it is done
Hindustan Times: Taiwan donates 1 million face masks to protect Indian medical personnel
日本経済新聞: 台湾コロナ指揮官「中国がWHOに圧力」総会参加訴え
매일경제 뉴스: 세계보건안전에소외지역없어야
The Hindu: Coronavirus | Taiwan is eager to work with India to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, says Foreign Minister Joseph Wu
The Times of India: Taiwan can help: New Delhi must support Taipei's participation at upcoming World Health Assembly
South China Morning Post: US Senate passes bill backing Taipei's bid to join WHO
Matamata politik: Ini Saatnya Akhiri Klaim China Atas Taiwan
Detik. Com: Taiwan Lancarkan Diplomasi Corona Demi Pengakuan Internasional
朝日新聞: WHO台湾排除するな 感染症対策 連携に穴
NHK: 米議会 台湾のWHO年次総会への参加支援する法案を可決
経済新聞: 台湾参加 米中対立深く WHO年次総会 18日から
経済新聞: 国際防疫網へ参加必須 台北駐日経済文化代表処代表 謝長廷氏 寄稿
世界と日本: 際立ったコロナ防疫対応と対策 門戸を開け WHO台湾参加
世界日報: WHO総会 台湾参加への国際支援強めよ
読売新聞: 台湾のWHO参加 後押し 日本「学ぶこと大きい」
産経新聞: 台湾のWHO参加支持を 日本と難局を乗り切る 台北駐日経済文化代表処代表 謝長廷
產經新聞: WHO総会 台湾参加が焦点
產經新聞: 米、WHOに台湾の総会参加要望

Nauru News: Nauru President thanks Taiwan for donations of medical equipment and supplies
The Fiji Times: COVID-19: Taiwan assists Fijian health workers with face masks
Australian Broadcasting CorporationTaiwan rejoining World Health Organization still backed by Australia in diplomatically risky move
The Sydney Morning Herald: Australia to back Taiwan's return to the WHO
Gatestone Institute: Democracies Need to Back Taiwan's Bid to Join the World Health Organization
South China Morning Post: US courts Chinese anger by stepping up push for Taiwan to take part in World Health Organisation
NHK: Taiwan urges WHO to let it join annual meeting
Nikkei Asian Review: 'WHO is excluding us under China pressure,' Taiwan minister says
西日本新聞: WHOの台湾参加 首相が世論喚起へ
每日新聞: 台湾外相「封じ込め共有」WHO総会参加熱望
毎日新聞: 台湾がWHO総会参加なら「コロナ封じ込めの経験、世界と共有できる」 呉・外交部長
毎日新聞: 地球規模の健康安全保障を 台湾がWHOの枠組みの 外にあってはならない
Stuff: In aftermath of Covid-19 outbreak, New Zealand jumps on board Taiwan WHO push

Times of India: Disease knows no borders … Taiwan happy to collaborate with the international community to fight Covid-19
The Sydney Morning Herald: Australia to back Taiwan's return to the WHO
The Sydney Morning Herald: Taiwan pushes Australia to back World Health Organisation tilt
朝日新聞: 台湾から日本へ、医療物資続々
Myanmar Times: Taiwan vows meaningful cooperation with Myanmar amid COVID-19 threats
Manila Standard: Taiwan can help combat COVID-19: Working together for the benefit of humankind
The Daily Tribune: Taiwan urges for WHO membership
NEWSPIM: 미국·대만 보건장관 화상회 의…대만 WHO 참여 지지
뉴스1: '코로나 방역성공' 대만, 외교무대서 목소리  '코로나 방역성공' 대만, 외교무대서 목소리 키운다

Nikkei Asian Review: Taiwan has a lot to teach Japan about coronavirus response 
Nikkei Asian Review: Taiwan counters China's diplomatic quarantine with mask donations 
The Nikkei: マスク増産 官民一体で、 台湾、軍人も派遣 日米欧に寄贈 中国に対抗
Jiji Press: 台湾寄贈のマスク200万枚到着=成田空港
Mainichi Shimbun: 新型コロナ 台湾から友好のマスク200万枚
Sankei Shimbun: 台湾寄贈のマスク200万枚、成田に到着
Nippon News Network: 台湾政府からのマスク200万枚 成田に到着
TV Asahi: 「まさかの時こそ真の友」 台湾からマスク200万枚
TV Tokyo: 台湾からの医療用マスク200万枚到着
TBS Television: 台湾から「日本がんばれ」、マスク200万枚が成田到着
Korea Times: Lesson from Taiwan's COVID-19 experience 
Asia Today: 코로나19로 몸값 폭등 臺, 양안 갈등 우려
HKFP: Let Taiwan into the WHO and stop indulging Beijing – lives depend on it
South China Morning Post: Taiwan's coronavirus response wins rare praise from World Health Organisation
The Straits Times: Global health hit by WHO's political games: Doctors' body 
The Statesman: Saturday Interview | ‘Taiwan will help India with Covid-19'
National Radio, Radio New Zealand: Palau begins on-site testing for Covid-19 
STUFF: Coronavirus: Could an alliance with Taiwan help NZ survive the coronavirus cataclysm?
Tia Belau: Global Health Security-A Call for Taiwan's Inclusion
The Sun Daily: Global health security - a call for Taiwan's inclusion 
Development Policy Centre: Time for a Pacific Community 
Philippine Daily Inquirer: Taiwan seeks WHO membership so it could help fight COVID-19 pandemic 
Manila Standard: Global Health Security—A Call for Taiwan's Inclusion 
The Daily Tribune: ‘Mask diplomacy' as Taiwan leads fight vs COVID-19

ORF Online: COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions
共同通信社: 台湾からの激励に謝意、首相=蔡総統ツイートで
共同通信社: 台湾総統、コロナで国際協力強調 マスク1千万枚や医薬品の提供へ
読売新聞: 米にマスク200万枚寄贈の台湾は「真の友人」…ポンペオ氏、中国は「誠実さ必要」
読売新聞: 中国、安倍首相の蔡氏への謝意ツイートを抗議…日台連帯に警戒か
産経ニュース: 台湾のマスク200万枚寄贈に謝意 菅官房長官
産経ニュース: 台湾、日本にマスク寄贈 200万枚、国際貢献で
NHK: 台湾が日本にマスク200万枚提供 新型コロナウイルス対策支援
毎日新聞: 台湾のWHO総会参加、菅氏が支持
The Statesman: Taiwan shouldn't be kept out of Covid-19 loop
The Marshall Islands Journal: ROC shares its secret weapon against virus
Sydney Morning Herald: Bipartisan call for WHO to accept Taiwan as a member

産経ニュース: 激化する中台「防疫外交」合戦
NHK: 緊急事態宣言 台湾蔡総統が日本国民に励ましのメッセージ
NHK: 台湾 蔡英文総統からの激励と支援意向に謝意 官房長官
NHK: 安倍首相 台湾 蔡総統の励ましにお礼のメッセージ投稿

読売新聞: 台湾マスク1000万枚供与
産経ニュース: 信頼に足る隣人と協力を 新型コロナと台湾

Mainichi Shimbun: ウイルスは国籍も人も選ばない 台湾が空白のWHOは不完全