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English draft of Third National Reports on ICCPR and ICESCR completed

On April 17, 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs completed the translation, from Mandarin to English, of Taiwan’s Third National Reports on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in accordance with the timeline set for an International Review Committee to be convened from January 18 to 22, 2021. The parts of the text overseen by MOFA were assigned to be proofread; the other parts were sent to the Ministry of Justice and forwarded to related departments for approval, and to be revised with statistics accurate to the end of December 2019. The full text of the English reports is due to be completed in time to publish hard copies in Mandarin and English, each in four (4) volumes and for use domestically and internationally, in advance of the meeting of the early 2021 International Review Committee.

#English translation of the Third National Reports under the Two Covenants on Human Rights
#Editing and publishing hard copies of the Third National Reports under the Two Covenants on Human Rights