

  • 發布單位:國際組織司
  • 資料來源:公眾外交協調會
  • 聯絡人:管理者
  • 聯絡資訊:phyllis_chen@mail.hamastar.com.tw


「國際民航組織」(ICAO)理事會主席Roberto Kobeh González於本年9月11日致函交通部民航局沈局長啟,邀請沈局長率團以「中華臺北」名義及理事會主席「特邀貴賓」身分,出席9月24日至10月4日在加拿大蒙特婁召開的第38屆ICAO大會。政府對此表示歡迎,沈局長已覆函K理事會主席,表示我國將應邀組團與會。




On September 11th 2013, Mr. Roberto Kobeh González, President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), sent a letter to Ms. Shen Chi, Director General of the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), inviting her to lead a delegation to the 38th Session of the Assembly of ICAO to be convened September 24 to October 4 in Montréal, Canada, as his guests under the name “Chinese Taipei.” The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) welcomes this invitation, and in her reply of accepting this invitation, Director General Shen has outlined plans for the Taiwan delegation’s participation.

To attend this year’s ICAO Assembly will be the first and concrete step forward for Taiwan in its ICAOcampaign since 2009. In the Assembly, Taiwan will gain better knowledge of the development of international aviation standards, obtain first-hand information crucial to aviation safety, and be able to exchange views on the international civil aviation matter with other countries and members of international civil aviation community. Overall speaking, Taiwan’s capability and efficiency in regulating and servicing civil aviation in the region may be further strengthened. Furthermore, the rights and benefits of passengers from Taiwan as well as the rest of the globe can be better protected. In the future, Taiwan will continue to strive to participate in related ICAO meetings, mechanisms, and activities, so as to advance its relations with the regional and global civil aviation communities.

Taiwan’s attendance at the Assembly marks an important step forward in its bid for meaningful participation in ICAO. This attributes to Taiwan’s long-term commitment to international aviation standards and safety, which has been widely recognized. Due to improvements in cross-strait relations over the past few years and frequent exchanges between the peoples of the two sides, direct flights between Taiwan and mainland China have increased considerably, creating conditions favorable to Taiwan’s substantive participation in ICAO. In addition, the support and assistance given for Taiwan by its diplomatic allies and other members of the international community have also helped ICAO understand the necessity for Taiwan to be included in the international civil aviation community. The ROC government is very grateful for these support and assistance.

Taiwan’s participation in the Assembly will help enhance its capacity in aviation safety, flights control services, and aviation standards. Taiwan will also take advantage of this opportunity at the ICAOAssembly to boost its cooperation with the international civil aviation community and contribute to aviation safety, so as to assist ICAO in realizing a seamless global aviation network.
