
2016年第69屆WHA 衛生福利部長演說稿(中英文)

  • 發布單位:國際組織司
  • 資料來源:國際組織司
  • 聯絡人:林孟瑋
  • 聯絡資訊:mwlin@mofa.gov.tw



Mr. President, Director-General, fellow health ministers, ladies and gentlemen:
First of all, I want to congratulate Mr. President on his election, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation to DG Margaret Chan and the Secretariat for their efforts in facilitating Chinese Taipei’s continued participation in this Assembly.
As pledged in the 2030 Development Agenda by all member states, no one will be left behind on the way towards Sustainable Development Goals. We would like to work closely in collaborative global partnership to transform our world.
We launched universal health insurance in 1995. It covers 99.9 percent of the Taiwanese population, and the public satisfaction rate is over 80%. The life expectancy is 80 years, and the infant mortality rate is 3.6 per thousand live births, both comparable to the average of OECD countries. Nevertheless, we face challenges of rapid population aging, overloaded health care workers, and increasing number of medical disputes.
To take up these challenges, we passed the Long-Term Care Services Act last year, and allocated extra resources to develop innovative and integrated care models. In addition, we passed the Birth Injury Relief Act as a first step towards a no-fault compensation system for medical injury claims. It provides comprehensive protection for pregnant women, and aims to reduce medical litigation. In response to the overload of health care workers, we are implementing restrictions of work hours for health care workers, including physicians under training. Furthermore, we plan to cover the employed physicians under the protection of Labor Standards Act.
We now have successfully transformed from an international aid recipient to an aid provider. To help stop the global spread of infectious diseases, we have, over the past 12 months, organized several training workshops for participants from 14 of our regional neighbors to improve regional capability to respond to Ebola, MERS, dengue, and Zika. In fact, we detected a second imported case of Zika just a few days ago. We hope to work even more closely with WHO and other international agencies to strengthen the global health security. Moreover, we are one of the world leaders in reconstructive microsurgery, craniofacial surgery, and organ transplantation, among other medical specialties. Responding to the WHA and the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, we would like to provide training opportunities for 50 surgical trainers from around the world within the next five years.
I am a pediatrician who has practiced for over 40 years. I strive to uphold the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva, and I quote: "I will not permit considerations of age, ethnic origin, nationality, political affiliation to intervene between my duty and my patient." Ladies and gentlemen, in the same spirit, I call on WHO and its member states to support the 23 million citizens of Chinese Taipei by facilitating us to participate robustly in WHO-related meetings and activities. Then, no one will be left behind. Thank you.

首先,本人謹恭賀新任主席當選,並感謝Margaret Chan幹事長及秘書處對推動中華台北持續參與WHA的努力。
隨著社會、經濟的發展,我們已經成功的從一個國際援助的接受者轉變成為國際援助的提供者。為協助遏止傳染病全球散播的威脅,在過去一年間,我們已辦理多場訓練工作坊及國際訓練營,提升亞太及東南亞地區因應伊波拉、MERS、登革熱及茲卡之防疫量能。事實上,我們在幾天前確診第二起境外移入的茲卡病例,希望未來能與WHO及其他國際組織進一步密切合作,共同強化全球衛生安全。不僅如此,因為我們在顯微外科重建手術、顱顏手術與器官移植手術等醫療領域居全球領先地位,為響應WHA與Lancet Commission所倡議的Global Surgery,我們願意在未來5年內提供世界各國50名外科種子醫師的訓練機會。