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The ROC joins the international community in condemning ISIL violence and supports international humanitarian aid plans

  • Date:2014-09-12
  • Data Source:Public Diplomacy Coordination Council

September 12, 2014
No. 189

Regarding the issue that has elicited strong global concern, namely that in June, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an extremist group, announced the formation of the Islamic State, encompassing territory it has occupied in Iraq and Syria, and has since persecuted minority groups in Iraq, Syria, and neighboring nations, leading, over the past two months, to over one million civilians having been displaced, killed, or injured, and eliciting serious international concern that the ISIL is a threat to civilization and has committed an assault on basic humanitarian principles, as a responsible member of the international community, the Republic of China (Taiwan)—respecting human rights and harboring a love for peace—reiterates its opposition to terrorism in any form and that it stands with the international community in its condemnation of the ISIL’s actions. The ROC will continue to monitor the threat to global security the group poses, and will cooperate closely with the international community to provide humanitarian aid to victims of ISIL attacks.