
2015年第68屆WHA 衛生福利部長演說稿(中英文)

  • 發布單位:國際組織司
  • 資料來源:國際組織司
  • 聯絡人:林孟瑋
  • 聯絡資訊:mwlin@mofa.gov.tw



Mr. President, Director-General Chan, fellow health ministers, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen:
Thank you for this opportunity to address the Assembly. The recent Ebola outbreak has taught us all that the fight against infectious diseases relies heavily on the preparedness and mobilization of medical systems. Through resource-sharing and supports, our combined response mechanisms must ensure that health systems do not become paralyzed, and that high-quality medical care can be provided. This is a task for the entire global community.
In 2014, to assist in containing the Ebola outbreak internationally, we offered personal protective equipment as well as financial support, and sent health professionals to participate in Ebola training activities in the United States. This year, an Ebola prevention training center was set up in southern Taiwan in conjunction with the United States to provide more trainers for Ebola preparedness in Asia-Pacific countries. We have also promoted training for individuals and groups in the use of personal protective equipment. And to address the broader range of global health challenges, in 2009 we agreed to implement the International Health Regulations (2005) to coordinate more closely with international disease control systems.
Our health system faces the challenges of a rapidly aging population, and for several years we have been planning a comprehensive system for long-term care that builds on the strengths of our universal health insurance system, which is widely regarded as one of the world’s best. After 20 years, the system today has a coverage rate of 99.8 percent. During serious disasters such as the SARS crisis, our health system has proven to be robustly supported by this health insurance system, as it reinforces social supports and provides comprehensive medical care. Primary clinics are prioritized and local community medical resources are mobilized to bring health care as close to the people as possible. Public and private hospitals jointly meet medical needs, with public hospitals providing 20 percent of services and private hospitals providing 80 percent. We have also established an emergency network to provide optimal care for acute and critical cases and another to prevent outbreaks of epidemics. By integrating these networks, our health system is equipped to provide flexible responses to emerging challenges.
Chinese Taipei contributes its health resources and expertise to the global community in many ways. We welcome any opportunity to cooperate with WHO in assisting Nepal with post-disaster reconstruction, and indeed we are always willing to join in and contribute to related global efforts. We hope that our good will is noted, and that our meaningful and dignified participation in WHO can be broadened. I call for the model of our presence in the WHA to be further expanded to other WHO-related meetings, mechanisms and activities, so that we can join WHO efforts to strengthen health systems and better prepare ourselves for the future challenges facing the world we all share.
In conclusion, I wish this Assembly great success to my people!臺灣加油(臺語)! Thank you.

2014年伊波拉疫情爆發之際,為協助國際進行防治工作,我們提供個人防護裝備及捐款,並派員前往美國參加伊波拉感染防治醫護人員教育訓練,同時於2015年與美國合作,在臺灣南部建立了「伊波拉防疫訓練中心」,以培育亞太國家對抗伊波拉感染疫情的種子師資。此外,我們也提升使用個人防護裝備之訓練。為了擴大因應全球衛生挑戰,我們於2009年加入國際衛生條例(IHR 2005),與國際衛生防疫體系緊密接軌。