

ROC President Ma Ying-jeou welcomed June 26 European Parliament support for Taipei in its dispute with Manila over the killing of a Taiwan fisherman during an attack on his fishing boat by a Philippine government vessel.


President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday said the government would lift its sanctions on the Philippines if Manila responds positively to Taiwan’s requests with regard to the May 9 shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine Coast Guard personnel.


The government hopes that the results of the investigations conducted by Taiwan and the Philippines into the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine Coast Guard personnel will not contain any major differences, Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) said yesterday.


The government’s signing of a fisheries agreement with Japan has succeeded in protecting the rights of Taiwanese fishermen, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) said yesterday during a visit to Toucheng Township (頭城) in Yilan County, where he unveiled measures designed to resolve fishing disputes with the Philippines in waters claimed by the two nations.


A European parliament delegation is to visit Taiwan later this month to show support for Taipei’s demands over the fatal shooting of a local fisherman by a Philippine government vessel on May 9.




In the first preparatory meeting for fisheries talks June 14 between the ROC and Philippines, both sides agreed to avoid the use of force in the implementation of fisheries laws and relevant regulations, the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.




Taipei et Manille, a annoncé samedi dans un communiqué le ministère des Affaires étrangèressont tombésd’accord pour prévenir la répétition de l’incident qui a coûté la vie le 9 mai dernier au capitaine d’un chalutiertaiwanaisabattu par les gardes-côtes philippins alors que son bâtiment naviguait à moins de 200 millesmarins de la pointe sud de Taiwan, dans les limites de la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) taiwanaise.


Un groupe d’enquêteurs taiwnanais est arrivé hier à Manille pour rencontrer les autorités en charge de faire lalumièrecôté philippinsur l’attaque, le 9 mai dernier, d’un chalutier taiwanais par les Gardes-côtes philippinsayant provoqué la mort de Hong Shih-cheng [洪石成], le capitaine du bateau.


A funeral service for a Taiwanese fisherman who was shot dead by Philippine Coast Guard personnel last month was held in Pingtung County Tuesday morning.


A task force set up under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is beefing up its efforts to make Taiwan's case on the May 9 fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine coast guard personnel, an official said Monday.


Taiwanand the Philippines should not let their diplomatic spat affect the exchanges between their peoples, a Taiwanese film director has said.


Taiwanese investigators who completed an investigation in Manila into the May 9 shooting of a Taiwanese fishing boat by Philippine Coast Guard personnel said that the coast guards involved have denied they shot with the intention to kill crewmembers onboard the vessel and that the Philippine authority refused to subject them to polygraph tests.




The Philippines' eight-member delegation yesterday visited the Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) to conduct cross-examination on ballistics test results.






ROC investigators in Manila will jointly interview May 30 Philippine Coast Guard personnel suspected of involvement in the fatal shooting of a Taiwan fisherman, according to the Ministry of Justice.


Les traces relevées hier par les enquêteurs du Bureau national d’enquête (NBIphilippin sur le Guang Da Xingno 28, le chalutier mitraillé le 9 mai dernier par des Gardes-côtes philippins, ne résultent pas d’une collisionavec la vedette philippine, a assuré le Bureau des procureurs de Pingtung, qui est en charge de l’enquête àTaiwan.


ROC investigators in Manila are set to jointly interview Philippine government personnel involved in the fatal shooting of a Taiwan fisherman, according to the Ministry of Justice May 29.


Tensions between Taipei and Manila are diminishing and there has been no incidence of hostility against Filipinos in Taiwan, according to a Philippine priest May 28 in the ROC capital.


外交部は27日、フィリピン公船が9日、台湾とフィリピンの排他的経済水域(EEZ)の重なる海域で、中華民国(台湾)籍の漁船「廣大興28号」に接近して追跡、武力をもって攻撃したことで、漁船の船員1人が死亡するとともに船体が損傷した事件に関し、事件に関わった公務船はフィリピン政府を代表し公務を執行していたため、この国際的な不法行為(wrongful acts)の責任はフィリピン政府に帰し、同国政府は中華民国に対する責任を負うと表明した。


The Taiwanese fisherman killed in a May 9 attack by Philippine maritime patrol personnel suffered fatal injuries to the neck and chest consistent with being shot with high-velocity weapons, the Ministry of Justice said Tuesday.


The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on Tuesday acknowledged that there is some dispute over the location of a fatal shooting incident at sea, apparently backing away from an earlier claim that it had taken place in the Philippines' territorial waters.


El fatal incidente de disparos contra un barco pesquero taiwanés por un buque gubernamental filipino podríaser calificado como una conducta criminal y viola la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar (CNUDM), reveló el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores el 17 del presente mes.


A team of Philippine investigators arrived in Taipei yesterday morning and began looking into the May 9 shooting of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) by Philippine Coast Guard personnel.


The parallel investigations by Taiwan and the Philippines into the fatal shooting of Taiwanese fisherman HungShih-cheng (洪石成) by Philippine Coast Guard personnel on May 9 are intended to produce results both sides can agree on, Deputy Minister of Justice Chen Ming-tang (陳明堂) said yesterday.


Investigators from Taiwan and the Philippines yesterday arrived in each other's countries to begin parallel probes into the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine coastguardsmen.


Taiwanese investigators in Manila on Monday completed their examination of firearms involved in the May 9 fatal shooting that killed a Taiwanese fisherman.


Taiwanand the Philippine are collaborating to complete a fair and open investigation into the May 9 shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine maritime patrol personnel, Foreign Minister David Lin said Monday.


An article in a Philippine business newspaper suggested Sunday Philippine President Benigno Aquino III formally apologize to Taiwan's government for the fatal shooting of a local fisherman by its maritime patrol personnel earlier this month.


Taiwan’s top fishery official said Monday that the recent fishing pact signed between Taiwan and Japan is an example of how Taiwan and the Philippines could resolve their long-running dispute over fishing rights in their overlapping exclusive economic zones.


Three Taiwanese investigators arrived in Manila Monday to probe the May 9 shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman aboard the boat Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28. in the overlapping zones of the two countries.


A delegation of Filipino investigators arrived in Taipei Monday to collaborate with Taiwanese authorities in a probe into the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman in an overlapping exclusive economic marine zone of the two countries on May 9.




Une délégation taiwanaise comprenant des membres du Bureau des procureurs de Pingtung est arrivée cematin à Manille, aux Philippines, pour y enquêter sur la mort, le 9 mai dernier, d’un marin taiwanais abattu en mer par des gardes-côtes philippins. Au même moment, une délégation de huit enquêteurs du Bureau national d’enquête (NBIphilippin conduite par Daniel Deganzodirecteur du bureau de liaison étrangèreestarrivée à Taipei pour y mener sa propre enquête.


ROC and Philippine delegations, each comprising eight investigators, departed respectively for Manila and Taipei May 27 to probe the killing of a Taiwan fisherman during an attack on his boat by a Philippine government vessel.


Dialogue between Taiwan and the Philippines on mutual legal assistance in investigating the May 9 shooting of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) by Philippine Coast Guard personnel is “close to concluding,”the Ministry of Justice said yesterday.


Investigation groups from both Taiwan and the Philippines will today be conducting parallel probes of the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippines Coast Guard vessel in each other's overlapping waters.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said it welcomes remarks made yesterday by a Philippine cabinet official that Manila and Taipei are likely to discuss a possible fishery agreement soon, probably by June or July this year.

The killing of ROC national Hong Shi-cheng during the May 9 attack on his unarmed fishing boat by a Philippine government vessel in overlapping exclusive economic zones between the two nations, 164 nautical miles southeast of Elunbai, Taiwan’s southernmost point, has caused great sorrow and consternation in Taiwan. This is completely understandable given Hong was shot as Philippine government personnel sprayed his boat with automatic weapons fire, resulting in 45 bullet entry points.


Initial findings by Philippine investigators point to criminal negligence on the part of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) personnel in the May 9 shooting of a Taiwanese fishing boat that killed a fisherman, a major daily in Manila reported Saturday.


Speaking the truth can upset people, but the media has to take a rational, unbiased line so that Taiwan’s reasoned arguments can be heard following the killing of local fisherman Hong Shi-cheng during a May 9 attack by a Philippine government vessel. The public must remain calm, support the government and allow a peaceful resolution to the dispute between the Republic of China and Philippines.


The family of a Taiwanese fisherman who was shot dead May 9 by officers on a Philippine government vessel in waters where the two countries' exclusive economic zones overlap on Friday asked the Philippines to publish navigation recorders on the vessel and a video tape recording of the incident.


Taiwan's investigators will be allowed to see the Philippines' video recording of an attack by a Philippine patrol vessel on a Taiwanese fishing vessel earlier this month, a Philippine official said Friday.


Taiwanand the Philippines are continuing to negotiate over cooperation on an investigation into the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippine government vessel, officials said Thursday, two weeks after the May 9 incident.


The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) yesterday said it has declined a Philippine request for bilateral judicial assistance for the time being, as the Philippine government still refuses to provide a video of the entire killing incident of a Taiwanese fisherman on May 9.


Taiwanese fishermen and representatives of fishermen's associations on Thursday urged Taiwan's government to start talks on a fishery agreement with the Philippines to safeguard their rights at sea.


The Ministry of Justice yesterday said it has rejected a request by the Philippines to send investigators to Taiwan to interview the crew of the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 and conduct another autopsy on the body of the fisherman shot dead by Philippine Coast Guard personnel.


Taiwanand the Philippines are continuing to negotiate over cooperation on an investigation into the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippine government vessel, officials said Thursday, two weeks after the May 9 incident.




Le ministère des Affaires étrangères se félicite des communiqués de presse publiés çà et , et de ce que sesservices lisent dans la presse étrangère en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. La position qu’adoptent ces médias ethommes politiques est en faveur de Taiwan face à Manilledans la crise qui secoue les relations bilatéralesdepuis le meurtre par des Gardes-côtes philippins de Hong Shih-cheng [洪石成], le capitaine du chalutierGuang Da Xing no 28, le 9 mai dernier.


Le ministère de la Justice a déclaré hier avoir décliné la requête d’assistance judiciaire mutuelle émise parManille alors que les Philippines refusent toujours de mettre à disposition de la justice taiwanaisel’enregistrement vidéo de l’incident qui a conduit au meurtre de Hong Shih-cheng [洪石成], le capitaine duchalutier Guang Da Xing no 28 , le 9 mai dernier.


The Fisheries Agency yesterday released information concerning Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28’s position and movement throughout its voyage to disprove the claim by the Philippines that the fishing boat had intruded into its territorial waters, leading to the fatal shooting of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成).


A video of the shooting incident by Philippine Coast Guard personnel on May 9 in disputed waters in which a Taiwanese fisherman died will be released “in due time,” Philippine Secretary of Justice Leila de Lima said yesterday.


Taiwanwelcomes reported remarks from the Philippine president that his government is open to discussing a possible fishery agreement to cover overlapping waters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said yesterday.


The truth behind the killing of a Taiwan fisherman during an attack on his ROC-registered fishing boat by a Philippine government vessel is coming to light, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 21.




L’analyse de l’enregistreur de données de voyage (VDR) du Guang Da Xing no 28, le chalutier taiwanais dontle capitaine est mort sous les balles des Gardes-côtes philippinsconfirme que l’embarcation n’a pas pénétréla zone économique exclusive des Philippines, contrairement à ce qui a été affirmé à Manille pour justifier uneattaque « contre des braconniers », a expliqué hier James Sha [沙志一], le directeur de l’agence de la Pêche.


ROC President Ma Ying-jeou said May 20 that Taipei and Manila should work under the recently concluded mutual legal assistance agreement to investigate the killing of a Taiwan fisherman during an attack by a Philippine government vessel.


Taiwanwould welcome a response by the Philippines to bilateral fishery cooperation after Philippine PresidentBenigno Aquino III reportedly said that his government is mulling fishery cooperation with Taiwan, an official said Tuesday.


Two columnists with the Manila Times, an English daily, have questioned the Philippine government's handling of a diplomatic battle with Taiwan over an attack by one of its patrol boats on an unarmed Taiwanese fishing boat.


A total of 22 ROC-registered fishing boats and their crews have been detained by the Philippine government over the past 10 years, according to the Fisheries Agency under the Council of Agriculture May 20.




The Ministry of Justice yesterday provided evidence suggesting that the Philippine coastal guard intentionally targeted sailors aboard a fishing boat during a shooting incident that left one Taiwanese fisherman dead, while noting that it is currently negotiating with its Philippine counterparts regarding a possible joint investigation.


The recent visit to Manila by a team of ROC government investigators looking into the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by Philippine government personnel achieved its primary goal, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 19.




The ROC government moved May 19 to reassure Filipinos living and working in Taiwan that their rights will not be detrimentally impacted by the recent fatal attack on a Taiwan fishing boat by a Philippine government vessel.


The ROC Ministry of Justice said May 18 that preliminary results of its investigation show fisherman Hong Shi-cheng aboard the Guang Da Xing No. 28 was the victim of intentional homicide at the hands of Philippine government officials.


Dans le cadre de la gestion de crise menée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères après les sanctionsdécidées par Taiwan contre les Philippines dans le dossier du meurtre du pêcheur taiwanais par des Gardes-côtes philippins, David Lin [林永樂], le ministre des Affaires étrangères, a annoncé hier la mise en place d’unpoint de contact avec la presse étrangère en relation sur ce sujet.


Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) yesterday declared to the world that the government has an unwavering determination to safeguard its sovereignty and fishing rights, as he demanded that the Philippine government take full responsibility for an incident that resulted in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman.


A delegation currently in Manila to investigate the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippine state vessel is expected to return to Taiwan soon, a diplomatic source said yesterday.


Several Taiwanese government agencies called on the public Saturday to treat Filipinos in the country well amid rising tensions between the two countries over the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Philippine government vessel on May 9.


President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday described the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine Coast Guard personnel last week as “cold-blood murder” and said the government would continue negotiations with the Philippine government to resolve the incident.


Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) yesterday said that sanctions imposed against Manila over its unsatisfactory response to Taiwan’s demands over the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine Coast Guard personnel were likely to be long term.


Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) yesterday warned that further sanctions may be imposed against the Philippines. He made the remarks at the weekly Cabinet meeting, during which he also reminded officials to stay cooperative in all stages.


Manila’s response to the four-point ultimatum issued by Taipei is unsatisfactory and the ROC government demands that it immediately reconsider in light of the gravity of the situation, Minister of Foreign Affairs David Y. L. Lin said May 17.


ROC President Ma Ying-jeou said May 16 that his administration’s handling of events surrounding the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by a Philippine government vessel and sovereignty issues in the East China Sea reaffirms its commitment to resolving international disputes in a peaceful manner.


Rep. Steve Chabot, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, and ranking member Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega urged the Philippines May 15 to apologize for the recent killing of a Taiwan fisherman.


The ROC Ministry of National Defense staged a patrol involving naval and air forces in waters south of Taiwan proper May 16 in a move to demonstrate the government’s determination to protect fishing rights.


Taiwan’s private sector fully supports the ROC government’s punitive actions against Manila over its unsatisfactory response to the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by Philippines government personnel, according to local business and industrial associations.




La crise qui pèse aujourd’hui sur les relations entre Taiwan et les Philippines n’est pas liée au principe «d’une seule Chine » et Taipei protestera vigoureusement si Manille revendique ce principe pour gérer cettecrise, a déclaré hier Wang Yu-chi [王郁琦], le ministre des Affaires continentales.


The government enacted the second stage of retaliatory measures toward the Philippine government to show dissatisfaction with their responses to Taiwan's demands over the Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) fisherman shooting incident, yesterday.


The ROC government launched additional sanctions against Manila May 15 following its unsatisfactory response to the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by Philippines government personnel.


An ROC delegation comprised of 17 officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Coast Guard Administration and Fisheries Agency departed for the Philippines May 16 to investigate the killing of a Taiwan fisherman.


中華民国(台湾)の漁船がフィリピン公船に銃撃された事件について、行政院の江宜樺院長は15日夜に記者会見を開催。江行政院長は、フィリピンの特使である、マニラ経済文化弁事処(中華民国におけるフィリピン大使館に相当)のAmadeo R. Perez Jr.理事長は同日正午に台湾に到着したが、同国大統領から十分な委任を受けておらず、フィリピン政府も期限であった午後6時までに、中華民国政府の提出した四項目の要求に対して善意ある回答を行わなかったと説明した。江行政院長はこれに対し、フィリピン側が事件解決に全く誠意を示さない態度は断固受け入れられないとして、直ちに第二弾の制裁措置八項目を採ると宣言した。これらの措置は15日午後6時から実施されている。


Le gouvernement a déclenché hier soir de nouvelles mesures de rétorsion contre les Philippines, considérantque les excuses formulées hier après-midi par Manille au sujet de la mort d’un pêcheur taiwanais abattu jeudidernier par des gardes-côtes philippins étaient « ambigües » et « manquaient de sincérité ».


El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MOFAsiglas en inglés) de la República de China presentó el 9 de loscorrientes una fuerte protesta a Carlo L. Aquino, subrepresentante de la Oficina Económica y Cultural de Manila (MECOsiglas en inglés) en Taipei, ante el fatal ataque a un bote de pescadores taiwaneses por unalancha patrullera filipina.


ROC President Ma Ying-jeou said May 15 that Taipei will take punitive actions against Manila over its unsatisfactory response to the killing of a Taiwan fisherman by Philippine government personnel.


The ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs branded the Philippines government response to its 72-hour ultimatum over the killing of a Taiwan fisherman “unclear,” demanding the matter be addressed immediately and in a proper fashion.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it is not satisfied with the Philippine government's response to the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine personnel aboard a state vessel, Foreign Minister David Lin said at a press conference this morning at around 1 a.m.


The Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan yesterday returned to Manila, one day before a Tuesday midnight deadline set by President Ma Ying-jeou. Ma has demanded the Philippines officially apologize over the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman in overlapping territory last Thursday.


Après avoir réuni ce matin le Conseil pour la sécurité nationale, le président de la République, Ma Ying-jeou [馬英九], a décidé des mesures de rétorsion immédiate contre les Philippines, la réponse de Manille à la mort d’un pêcheur taiwanais, abattu par des Gardes-côtes philippins, étant toujours jugée « trop légère ». Cette annonce intervient malgré les précisions apportées hier soir, juste avant l’expiration d’un premier ultimatum de 72 h, par Antonio Basilio, le directeur du Bureau économique et culturel de Manille à Taipei (MECO). Le chef de l’Etat a par ailleurs fixé un nouvel ultimatum, expirant ce soir à 18h : si Manille n’accède pas intégralement aux quatre demandes formulées la semaine dernière par Taipei, une deuxième série de sanctions entrera en vigueur.


Preliminary investigation indicates Taiwan fishing boat Guang Da Xing No. 28 was within fishing grounds protected by the ROC government when fired upon by an official Philippine vessel, the Pingtung District Prosecutors Office said May 13.


Hundreds of protesters led by the ROC National Fishermen’s Association demonstrated outside the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei City May 13 over the recent fatal attack on a Taiwan fishing boat by an official Philippine vessel.






L’émotion et la colère restaient vives hier parmi les pêcheurs taiwanais, quatre jours après la mort de Hong Shih-cheng [洪石成], un pêcheur abattu par des Gardes-côtes philippins alors qu’il se trouvait sur son chalutier, le Guang Da Xing No. 28, à 170 milles marins au large de la côte sud de Taiwan. Alors que des protestations ont eu lieu devant le bureau de représentation de Manille à Taipei et en l’attente d’une réponse des Philippines à l’ultimatum lancé par le président de la République, Ma Ying-jeou [馬英九], la Marine nationale a annoncé l’élargissement prochain du périmètre de ses patrouilles en mer de Chine méridionale.


Selon le quotidien taiwanais en langue chinoise United Daily News, le bateau de pêche taiwanais dont le capitaine est tombé sous les balles d’une patrouille des Gardes-côtes philippins le 9 mai dernier n’était pas dans l’illégalité au moment des faits, a conclu le bureau des Procureurs de Pingtung hier après analyse des informations disponibles sur l’attaque fatale.


ROC President Ma Ying-jeou demanded May 11 that the Philippine government apologize for its fatal attack on a Taiwan fishing boat, compensate for losses, punish the perpetrators and open bilateral fishery talks as soon as possible.


The ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated May 12 that the Philippine government should issue a formal apology for the recent fatal attack on a Taiwan fishing boat by one of its vessels.




Après la mort jeudi de Hong Shih-cheng [洪石成], un pêcheur abattu par des Gardes-côtes philippins alors qu’il se trouvait sur son chalutier, le Guang Da Xing no 28, à 170 milles marins au large de la côte sud de Taiwan, Taipei a exigé des excuses officielles de Manille, qui ne les a toujours pas formulées. Hier soir, Taipei a condamné la position des Philippines, la qualifiant de « légère, manquant de sincérité et n’aidant pas à la recherche d’une solution ».


The president has given the Philippines 72 hours to respond to demands regarding the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman or face the consequences, Presidential Office spokeswoman Garfie Li said yesterday.


The fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard in contested waters in the South China Sea has prompted Taipei to urge Manila to negotiate with it over the delineation of fishing grounds in the area, negotiations that have previously been impeded largely by opposition from China, analysts said.


The fishing boat that was fired upon by a Philippine government vessel was riddled with bullet holes, suggesting that “heavy weapons” were probably used in the incident, a Taiwanese prosecutor said yesterday.


The administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday gave the Philippines 72 hours to arrest those responsible for the death of a Taiwanese fisherman, issue a formal apology and compensate the victim’s family.


The skipper of the Taiwanese fishing boat that was attacked by Philippine coast guards yesterday denied Manila's claim that his vessel “provoked” the shooting.


President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday said the Philippines should not have used force against a Taiwanese fishing boat in the two countries' overlapping exclusive economic zone a day earlier, in an attack that left a veteran Taiwanese fisherman dead.


Taiwanhas set up an inter-agency task force to investigate the death of a Taiwanese fisherman who was shot during an incident involving a Philippine government vessel, a source familiar with the matter said Saturday.


A Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead yesterday during a confrontation with a Philippine vessel in waters in which the exclusive economic zones claimed by Taiwan and the Philippines overlap, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.


One Taiwanese sailor was shot dead yesterday when a boat registered to Pingtung County was attacked by the Philippine military in the disputed South China Sea, according to Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration (CGA).


The ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a stern protest May 9 with Carlo L. Aquino, deputy representative of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taiwan, over the fatal attack on a Taiwan fishing boat by one of its official vessels.


外交部は9日、中華民国船籍の漁船「廣大興28号」が台湾最南端のガランピ岬の東南164カイリ付近の、中華民国(台湾)とフィリピンのEEZ(Exclusive Economic Zone)が重なっている海域で、フィリピンの公船による銃撃を受け、中華民国籍の船員1人が死亡、漁船が激しく損傷したことについて、中華民国政府はフィリピンに厳重抗議し、断固非難すると発表した。政府はフィリピン政府の正式な謝罪と正当な賠償を求めるとしている。


Le ministère des Affaires étrangères à Taipei a publié hier un communiqué dans lequel il condamne la Marine philippine pour les tirs ayant provoqué la mort d’un pêcheur taiwanais.