有關美國國務院發言人Ned Price對我國申請加入CPTPP回應事,外交部回應如下:
外交部注意到美國國務院發言人普萊斯(Ned Price)於美東時間24日就我國申請加入「跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定」(CPTPP )一事表示,台灣做為世界貿易組織(WTO)負責任的會員,並堅定支持民主價值,相信這將對CPTPP成員在評估台灣入會申請案時帶來影響。普發言人並再次重申,支持兩岸議題須在符合台灣人民意願與利益下和平解決,呼籲北京停止對台灣的軍事、外交與經濟施壓。外交部對此表示歡迎。
美國國務院發言人Ned Price發言原文:
「We do understand that Taiwan has submitted a formal request to join the CPTPP. As you alluded to, we are not a party to the CPTPP, therefore, we’ll have to defer to CPTPP parties regarding their views on Taiwan’s potential accession. That said, we would expect that Taiwan’s record as a responsible member of the World Trade Organization and Taiwan’s strong embrace of democratic values would factor into the CPTPP’s parties’ evaluations of Taiwan as a potential candidate for accession. Our colleagues at the USTR Office may have more to say on that as well.
When it comes to Taiwan more broadly, we will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues consistent with the wishes and the best interest of people in Taiwan – people on Taiwan, excuse me. We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan.」