關於漁船船員僱傭契約之公約(一一四號)Convention (No. 114) concerning fishermen's articles of agreement |
關於漁船船員體格檢查之公約(一一三號)Convention (No. 113) concerning the medical examination of fishermen |
關於漁船船員最低年齡之公約(一一二號)Convention (No. 112) concerning the minimum age for admission to employment as fishermen |
僱傭與職業歧視公約(一一一號) Convention (No. 111) concerning discrimination in respect of employment and occupation |
自國外獲取贍養公約(聯合國贍養義務會議蕆事文件) Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance (with Final Act of the United Nations Conference on Maintenance Obligations) |
一九四九年關於戰時平民保護之日內瓦第四公約 Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war (with annexes) |
關於海員體格檢查之公約(七十三號)Convention (No. 73) concerning the medical examination of seafarers |
組織權及團體協商權原則之應用公約(九十八號) Convention (No. 98) concerning the application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively |
禁止奴隸制、奴隸販賣及類似奴隸制之制度與習俗補充公約 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery |
關於商船上船長與高級船員所需最低專門資格之公約(五十三號)Convention (No. 53) concerning the minimum requirement of professional capacity for masters and officers on board merchant ships |
獨立國家內原住民族及其他部落與半部落人口之保護與融合之公約(一0七號) Convention (No.107) concerning the protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in independent countries |
已婚婦女國籍公約 Convention on the nationality of married women |
一九四八年聯合國防止及懲治殘害人群罪公約 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide |
修正一九二六年九月廿五日在日內瓦所訂禁奴公約之議定書及附件 Protocol (with annex) amending the Slavery Convention signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926 |
經一九五三年十二月七日議定書修正之禁奴公約 Slavery Convention, signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926 and amended by the Protocol opened for signature or acceptance at the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York, on 7 December 1953 |
男女勞工同工同酬公約(一○○號) Convention (No. 100) concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value |
工資保護公約(九十五號) Convention (No. 95) concerning the protection of wages |
一九四九年關於戰俘處遇之日內瓦第三公約 |
世界人權宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
一九四九年關於海上部隊傷患、遭難者減緩傷痛之日內瓦第二公約 Geneva Convention for the amelioration of the condition of wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea (with annex) |